ORPHANAGE HOME: This is one of Joy Valley's most successful pilot projects. It was started on 30th March 2005 with 6 oprhans from Kayole Slums. These children, who have now increased to 70, come from vulnerable and risky backgrounds. This means that if nothing is done about their situation, they could end up dying or being abused by bad people. In most cases, vulnerable boys become street boys or victims of child labour and slavery, or sometimes end up as thugs. Vulnerable girls end up as child sexworkers, prostitutes and housemaids/girls.
Joy Valley's compassionate heart and commitment to the plight of these children has brought tremendous hope in many destitute and miserable lives. Joy Valley cares for the orphans, vulnerable, disabled, destitute and abandoned children by providing food, shelter, clothing, psychological, spiritual and moral support. The children are shown love, care and compassion. These three virtues have tremendous effect on the lives of children; it makes them happier, more fulfilled, and ready to give back to the community.
JOY VALLEY SCHOOL: All school going children are allowed to join the Joy Valley School which has Classes 1-8. The school provides an education curriculum based on the Ministry of Education 8:4:4 system. The main objective of the education is to prepare the children for career life that would ensure the child survives on his/her own in the world. The school has 70 boarders and 230 day-scholars. The current total number of pupils in the school stands at 300. This year, Joy Valley has its first KCPE (Kenya Certificate of Pimary Education) Candidates. They are 6 in number and will seat for their KCPE Exams in November.
The school also has a special section that cares for very young children below 3 years. This is called
Baby Class,
Nursery and
Pre-Unit. Currently there are 60 pupils in this section. This is the most sensitive section in the school because it deals with children at the tenderest stage, hence the teachers in this section are those who have gone through ECD (Early Childhood Development).
Activities of the school include:
a) Learning.
b) Extracurricular activities such as: debate, traditional dances, drama and scouting.
c) Educational trips/tours.
3. JOY VALLEY CHURCH: Since the foundation was laid on Godly way after the tremendous call to salvation and total deliverence, Pastor Jared was also called to raise these children in God-fearing ways to be God-fearing leaders. Furthermore, since our call is to give hope to the hopeless, we do minister to the widows, disabled and the less fortunate. We believe in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to deliver these children from their old habitual characters, and to make them servants of the most High God. The church membership as at now stands at 100. Most members come from Joy Valley Home, and another membership comes from the surrounding Kayole slums. The activities carried out in the church include:
Joy Valley Praise and Worship Team (Top). Bible Study(Bottom).
a)Missionary Work.
b) Evangelism.
c) Workshops and seminars.
d) Holistic Ministry, Self-Empowerment and sustainability.
4. VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL: This section is for those who are past school going age and adults who are talented in various handworks and handcrafts. It includes jewelery, barbershop, hairdressing, music, welding, knitting, poultry, cattle rearing, tailoring, carpentry, and masonry. Currently there 20 trainnees in the Vacational School.